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/ Font Heaven / Font Heaven.iso / ttf1 / fh0107.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1993-12-30  |  141KB
Labels: bulletin board | daily | sky
OCR: abGdethi1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 0123456789 @#$% /N{}) 12 The guick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. 24 The cuick bro wr fox jumps the lazy dog quick bro UM fo jumps over the lazy qrui ck bro UM fox jumps cuick UMoaa fox jurm tne duick TM0G fo pqrstuvwxyz IWXYZ eruick auick UMOq UMOG uick